A shitdigger is defined as someone who isn't happy until they find something to be unhappy about. The word was originally invented by @TheAliKoca on YouTube.
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A "shitdigger" is someone who isn't happy until they find something to be unhappy about, they insist on nitpicking every little thing and they're typically seen as "nothing more than parasitic worms" or "the uglier inbred cousin of a gold digger".
If you're a normal person digging for a well and find water, you're going to be happy because you've found what you're looking for. A shitdigger will completely ignore the water they've just found and start digging another hole to search for shit. If you look for shit long enough, you're going to always find it because nothing is perfect.
The answer is simple: It's because they're addicted to the negativity. They've never known and will never know inner peace because they insist on nitpicking every little thing. In other words, their life consists of a perpetual search for shit to sustain their misery addiction.
We all know someone who's a shitdigger, and as much as we want to help them get out of that horrible toxic mentality, they don't want to.
Common signs of shitdigging usually include constant complaining & nitpicking, feeding into drama or negative situations, expecting the worst, and feeling envious of others' success.
As mentioned before, this term was originally invented by Ali Koca, and his YouTube Shorts video discussing about it can be watched by clicking here.